Lynda Buckland
Insights Cards

Welcome to my website which is the home of Insights© Conversation and Journaling cards. It's my intent that the cards encourage you to communicate with your higher self and others on a deeper level, bringing understanding and ultimately inner peace.

I created Insights© as a tool to empower and encourage my meditation students through journaling, contemplation and conversation. Over time my friends enjoyed sharing the cards at dinner parties as they spark interesting conversations. People have repeatedly expressed how the cards communicated “the truth” and seemed to be almost magical in delivering guidance.

Insights©  are a synthesis of all that I’ve been studying over the years, from A Course in Miracles and Energy healing to Intention setting and Feng Shui.  The messages can be profound and healing. 

Insights© cards can be used with your mate, boss, co-workers, siblings and friends.

Benefits of Insights:
  • promote understanding about your health challenges and mental state of affairs
  • counselors could use them to help the client get in touch with their feelings
  • aid teachers or parents to understand the child
  • encourage and empower
  • give profound understanding about the self as well as others
  • can help you tap into your intuitive wisdom
  • they are a catalyst to facilitate healing emotional wounds
  • support self-love
The videos on my website are brief but packed with powerful messages and they show you possible ways to interpret the cards you have chosen.

For example, in some of the videos I share how the cards gave me clarity about certain aspects of my life:
  • I received understanding about my grief over having to say good bye to my beloved 15 year old pet Jazzy and came to realize that my chest pains after Jazzy died were simply showing me how my grief was affecting my body.
  • I came to understand why I went from loving Christmas to being indifferent about it, and what I could do to bring myself back to loving this family holiday again.
If you like what you read or hear from this website please share it with your friends... my philosophy is "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

To quote my friend Karen: "Lessons don't always have to be difficult ... We can learn through Joy."


About Lynda

Lynda is known for encouraging people to get in touch with the voice within, subsequently trusting what they hear from the source, creator, their guides, Angels, or God.

Lynda Buckland


Insights are a collection of cards designed to empower and encourage you through journaling, contemplation and conversation.

Each box holds a total of 186 words with questions and statements on them, they are divided into four categories:
  • Main
  • Aspects
  • Enlightenments
  • Gifts
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